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“The world needs saints. Even as our society becomes more distant from faith and more forgetful of God, it still hungers for joyful witnesses who have been transformed by Christ. At the same time, new generations of Catholics need grace to sustain them in a non-Christian environment. To answer these needs, I have decided to restore the Sacraments of Initiation to their original order, that is, Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. This will make available every sacramental grace the Church has to offer to children who have reached the age of reason.”

-Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila of Denver

The Restored Order

In the Archdiocese of Denver, Archbishop Samuel Aquila has “restored the order” of the Sacraments of Initiation. This means they are received in their original order: Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion.

Children’s preparation is normally two years: In 2nd grade, they learn about and receive first Reconciliation. Since this is not a recorded sacrament it can occur at any time when your child is ready but must occur prior to receiving the sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion. In 3rd grade, they receive Confirmation and First Holy Communion in the spring after Easter at the same mass. Preparation for Confirmation and First Communion should begin no later than the fall before the sacraments are to be received.

Do you have a child who is ready to receive the sacraments? Take a look at the process and next steps below.


Homeschool Preparation Program

Saint John XXIII uses a homeschool model to prepare children for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Communion. There are some great tools available for families to assist with preparation, most of which are of no cost to families. To receive a list of tools available for your child please email [email protected] and let them know your child’s age and when they would like to receive the Sacraments. A list of the information your child must know prior to receiving Confirmation and First Communion is attached below. Each child will be interviewed by a member of clergy about one month prior to receiving the sacraments.

Confirmation and First Communion Curriculum 

When to get Started

First Reconciliation

First Reconciliation or Confession happens in 2nd grade in the restored order (used in the Archdiocese of Denver). You should begin preparing you child for this sacrament at the beginning of 2nd grade (or before) and when they are ready they can receive the sacrament with any priest. Just have your child let the priest know it is their first confession!

Confirmation and First Communion

Confirmation and First Communion happen in the spring of 3rd grade after Easter. There is a fair amount of preparation required for these sacraments and should begin no later than the beginning of 3rd grade. Please take a look at the requirements in advance to determine if your child will require more time for preparation. Each child will be interviewed by a member of the clergy about one month prior to receiving the sacraments to ensure they have learned the proper information to receive the sacraments.

Confirmation and First Communion Curriculum Summary

How to get Started

First Reconciliation is not a recorded sacrament and can happen when your child is ready during 2nd grade. If you would like information and resources to help your child prepare please email [email protected]

Steps for Confirmation and First Communion

Step 1: Email [email protected] or attend the fall parents meeting (look for advertisements in the flocknote and mass announcements in early fall). Let us know your child’s age and that they would like to receive the sacraments. You will receive a list of preparation tools and documents needed.

Step 2: Complete paperwork and preparation. Each family will need to fill out a child registration form and submit that with a copy of their baptismal certificate no later than one month prior to receiving the sacraments. Sponsors will also need to have a form filled out by their home parish and submitted with an annotated baptismal certificate. Don’t wait to request annotated certificates as the process can vary by parish. These documents should also be submitted no later than one month prior to the sacrament date. Please take a look at confirmation sponsor guidelines when choosing a sponsor.

Step 3: Schedule your child’s clergy interview. Each child will be interviewed by a member of clergy at St John XXIII about one month prior to receiving the sacraments. You child may be asked any combination of the information on the Confirmation and First Communion Curriculum. You will receive an email with sign-up slots to choose from prior to the sacrament dates. Interviews can be via phone or in person. Interview slot sign-up will be first come first serve. Please do not wait to begin preparation for the sacraments so your child will be ready for the sacrament and interview.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to reach out to [email protected]


What if my child is past 3rd grade?

Do not worry! There are many reasons a child may be past 3rd grade and needing to receive Confirmation and First Communion. Not every diocese does restored order so we get families who have moved to this diocese, families who are getting back into their faith, and children who are not ready in 3rd grade. The Confirmation and First Communion mass will have people of all ages from kids to adults so your child will not be the only “older” child. Please begin by emailing [email protected] to get resources that are age appropriate for your child’s preparation. Adults will go through the RCIA program to prepare for sacraments.

How can my child receive first Reconciliation?

This sacrament can be done at any time prior to receiving the sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Communion. You can go to your parish priest or any priest, as this is not a recorded sacrament. Be sure to have your child let the priest know this is a first confession so they can guide them through the process!