New Here

New Here
In an authentic community, we share our lives with each other and help each other grow. One of the primary ways we encourage the growth of an authentic community is by connecting people to small groups based on common interests and passions. Other opportunities that facilitate community include: Dinner at Dad’s, socials after Candlelight Mass, Greek Life, intramural sports, outdoor activities, bible studies, & more.
Candlelight Mass
Over 150 students gather every week when CSU is in session for a beautiful Mass illuminated only by candlelight.
Join us:
Every Thursday at 8pm
Dinner at Dad’s
Monthly on a Sunday immediately following the 5pm Sunday Mass in the Narthex.
Join us:
- February 23
- March 30
- May 4
Adore Nights
Monthly on the First Tuesday of the Month at 7:30pm in the Church
Join us:
- March 4
- April 1
- May 6
Lory Student Center Adoration
Usually twice a month from 12pm – 2pm, Drop in anytime, see the rooms below
Join us:
- March 26 – Room 300
- April 9 – Room 312
- April 23 – Room 300
- April 30 – Room 332
1 per semester plus a big FOCUS SEEK Conference once a school year
Join us:
- March 7-9, 2025 RamCatholic
- Fall 2025 RamCatholic Retreat
- January 1 – 5, 2026 SEEK
Not sure where to start?
See some ideas below to get involved
Bible Studies
Looking to grow in your faith and connect with others? There is a Bible study group for everyone. Come explore God’s Word, share insights, and build relationships with a community that might just become some of your best friends.
Student Athletes
Are you passionate about sports? Did you take that passion to CSU as a student athlete? Please connect with one of our FOCUS Athlete missionaries!
Brandon Holy
FOCUS Varsity Catholic Coordinator
Freshmen Ministry
Welcome to CSU (or FRCC) Freshmen! We are so glad you are here and would love to get you plugged into the community!
We have Monthly “Freshman Dinner Club” on the second Tuesday of the month where we gather all the Freshmen at the Church for 5:30pm Mass and then go out for Dinner after.
Join us for some of the upcoming Freshman Dinner Clubs:
- March 11
- April 8
- May 13
Sorority / Fraternity Life
It is part of our mission to equip Catholics who participate in Greek Life with the support necessary to live out their faith on the front lines. The brotherhood and sisterhood in Greek Life provides a unique opportunity to grow in accountability, authentic friendship, and charitable living. As a Church, we long to support these good things happening in Greek Life while inviting all members into a deeper encounter with Jesus Christ and His Church.
Catholics in Greek Life
If you are Catholic and a member of Greek Life on the campus of Colorado State University we would love to connect you with other Catholic Greek’s.
Sign Up for a Sorority Bible Study Here!
Camille Zarycki
FOCUS Greek Outreach Coordinator
Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity
Saint John XXIII Catholic Church has partnered with Phi Kappa Theta Fraternity for many years and fully supports the work they are doing on the campus of Colorado State University. To learn more about Phi Kappa Theta and the good work they are doing at CSU please contact them at
Tim Knauss
FOCUS Greek Outreach Coordinator
Music / Choir
Do you love to sing or play an instrument? We’d love to have you! Whether you’re a beginner or experienced, all are invited to fill out the interest form below. Our music ministry is all about coming together to share the gifts you have to glorify The Lord.
We have Weekend Mass choirs, Candlelight Mass choir, & cantors always accepting new applicants.
We also are excited to meet those who are instrumentally-gifted and looking to serve in the Masses. Please fill out the interest form below:
Please email the Coordinator of Music & Liturgy: Henrique Borges Gomes
Community Service
Make a difference by giving back! We’re always looking for kind-hearted people to join us in serving others and making our community stronger. Whether through volunteering, helping those in need, or organizing events, your time and efforts matter.
Currently we have 2 opportunities ongoing:
- Catholic Charities Birthday Parties
- monthly on Mondays
- Quilting Class: Donate Quilts for Mothers
- twice a month on Saturdays
Fill out the interest form here:
Email any questions to our Coordinator of Campus Ministry, Elizabeth Diamond at
Serve in the Liturgy
Want to get involved in the heart of our faith? There are many ways to serve during Mass—whether as an altar server, reader, Eucharistic minister, or greeter. Your participation helps make our worship more meaningful and brings you closer to the community.
Let Deacon Greg know that you are interested by emailing him at