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Holy Communion

Holy Communion

The Eucharist is the source and summit of the Catholic faith. The Eucharist takes place during the Catholic Mass and it is the fulfillment of Jesus Christ’s promise to remain with us always (Matthew 28:20), and is an external expression of a Catholic’s unity with the Catholic Church. This sacrament is the third sacrament of initiation into the Catholic Church. Grow in your faith through participation in Mass, or by participating in our Eucharistic Adoration.

Holy Communion for Children

First communion is given to baptized Catholics in the 3rd grade, at the same mass they receive their confirmation, per Archdiocesan requirements. To learn more about how a member of your family can make their first communion take a look at our sacramental process.

[email protected]


Holy Communion For Adults

For adults seeking to make their first holy communion, we have a series of formation classes that help prepare you to receive this Sacrament. If you are a baptized Christian exploring conversion to Catholicism, we recommend the Becoming Catholic (RCIA) class, which has sessions that start both in the fall and in the spring. For baptized Catholics, there is a class that will prepare you to make your first holy communion and confirmation. The class for baptized Catholics has both a fall session and a spring session.

[email protected]