You have the opportunity to leave a Legacy gift and ensure that Ram Catholic Campus Ministry lives on in perpetuity. Legacy gifts will go into the Ram Catholic Endowment held at the Catholic Foundation of Northern Colorado. The principal of the endowment is never touched and only the interest generated is used to support Ram Catholic, this ensures the future of Campus Ministry at Colorado State University and provides an opportunity to leave a legacy through a financial gift.
“We like to support the ramCatholic endowment to help eliminate a lack of money being an obstacle for any student to encounter Christ. When we were at CSU, we were tremendously spoiled and blessed by benefactors who helped alleviate the burden of costs of Sunday night Suppers, retreats, and FOCUS conferences. We want to continue the generosity of other donors. It is also exciting to be a part of ramCatholic which has produced students who are truly transforming our state and our country!”
“We like to support the ramCatholic endowment to help eliminate a lack of money being an obstacle for any student to encounter Christ. When we were at CSU, we were tremendously spoiled and blessed by benefactors who helped alleviate the burden of costs of Sunday night Suppers, retreats, and FOCUS conferences. We want to continue the generosity of other donors. It is also exciting to be a part of ramCatholic which has produced students who are truly transforming our state and our country!”
Legacy Gifts Can Include:
- One-time Gifts
- Monthly Gifts
- Planned Gifts
To learn more about the endowment, legacy giving, determining the right gift your you, or to make your gift today please contact our Director of Development:
Laura Torres: 970-484-3356 ext:106
The Gift of Faith
The gift of faith is a supernatural ability to believe in God without doubt, combat unbelief, and visualize what God wants to accomplish. It is not only an inner conviction impelled by an urgent and higher calling but also a supernatural ability to meet adverse circumstances with trust in God’s words and messages. You can give the gift of faith to future college students through a legacy gift!