St. John XXIII offers opportunities to receive and to give. As we are filled we can then provide for others.

Opportunities to Serve
- Ram Catholic Events – We would love your help with events for our college students. This may include help setting up spaces, preparing food, serving food to the college students or cleaning up after the event. This is a wonderful opportunity to serve the mission of this parish and meet students! For more information contact our communications department at
- Mentor a Student– We need your help in mentoring our students. This can take many forms including personal mentorship by inviting students to a meal or just providing a place to rest or even do laundry off campus. Personal mentorship is an amazing opportunity to share your faith with a college student and let them know they are loved and wanted here. We are also looking for professionals who can help guide our students in what they are studying and the career paths they are preparing for. Professional mentors can help students discern their professional vocation, realize how they can live faithfully within that vocation and help open doors for students after they graduate and begin looking to start their careers. We would love to have your help with this task. To learn more about mentorship opportunities please contact our communications department at
- Finance Council – Saint John XXIII has a finance council to help ensure the proper use of parish resources. If you are gifted in this way please reach out to our Director of Business and Accounting to learn more about potential openings-
- Serve in the Mass: Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, Ushers, Lectors-
- Front Desk Volunteers – Contact our Director of Business and Accounting-Sasha
- Decorating Committee – Help us decorate the church for different liturgical seasons, email
Don’t see what you’re looking for here. Contact our communications department to inquire on other service opportunities-
Know the Faith
- The St. John XXIII Library is located on the North side of the Narthex just inside the main doors. There is an abundance of resources and information in our Library. Check out a book or DVD today!
- FORMED– is a revolutionary digital platform that gives you unprecedented access to video-based study programs, feature films, audio presentations, and eBooks from the Church’s foremost presenters. To access this content:
- Visit
- Click the “Formed for Parishes ” button
- Search for our parish “St. John XXIII University Parish Fort Collins,” and select it
- Enter your name and email when prompted.
- That’s it!
- RCIA classes are open to parishioners! If you are interested in brushing up on your knowledge of the faith or mentoring candidates preparing to come into the church, pop into an RCIA class on Wednesday evenings. These classes start in the fall and end with Holy Week. Check out our RCIA page to learn more about upcoming topics!
Saint John XXIII also provides other events throughout the year where you can gather as a community and learn more about your faith. The best way to stay up to date on what is going on is by receiving our weekly emailed Flocknote. Sign up today.
Other Apostolates
Knights of Columbus – We are the Knights of Columbus Council #11140, located at Saint John XXIII University Parish in Fort Collins, Colorado, home of Colorado State University.
The Knights of Columbus is the largest Catholic fraternal organization in the world, with over 1.8 million members. Through faith, friendship, and fellowship, we reach out to our communities and to our nation to help those in need and to serve the Lord. Our goals include spreading the work and Word of God, sharing the fellowship of our brother Knights, and strengthening the Pro-Life movement. We work closely with our many local councils. We welcome all who are interested in joining our brotherhood.
If you are interested in joining the Knights of Columbus, please contact the Grand Knight, Mike Orzell,
Stephens Ministry –
Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ (Galatians 6:2, NRSV).
Stephen Ministry is a one-to-one lay caring ministry. Caregivers – called Stephen Ministers— provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting. A Stephen Minister usually provides care to one person at a time, meeting with that person once a week for about an hour. Twice a month Stephen Ministers gather with their Stephen Leaders for supervision and continuing education.
If you need a Stephen Minister or would like to become a Stephen Minister, please call Marlene “Mo” Julian, Stephen Leader, (970) 231-3211.
Young Adult
Saint John XXIII is home to parishioners of all ages. We serve graduate students attending CSU and many other young adults. We would love to have you join our community!
Northern Colorado also has a great young adult group for those who are post undergrad, young professional, or non-traditional undergrad. To learn more click on the Group Me link below.