You Have a Place Here!
The mission of St. John XXIII Catholic Parish is to evangelize the Colorado State University Campus and other College age students in Fort Collins, Colorado. This task does not simply belong to clergy and staff, but to every member of our parish family. While our primary mission is to serve college students, we also desire our parish family to grow in a relationship and become true disciples of Christ. Then, together, we can live out the gospel each day and work to fulfill our mission. Read more about different ways that you can get involved!
“Saint John XXIII Parish exists to glorify God the Father, reverently worshipping Jesus Christ, His Son and our Lord, and being brought into this communion of love by the Holy Spirit, in one God and one community. As a parish, since our founding, we exist with a particularly unique mission to be the Catholic parish to evangelize the Colorado State University campus. Yet we welcome all who seek to find their home with God in His Church at our parish. We all desire to belong to a greater community in which we are known individually, and we also desire that which can draw the best out of us. We can achieve this, with the help of God, by encountering Jesus Christ, Who is Truth Himself. This truth challenges us to engage in the spiritual battle for holiness and to take up spiritual arms against sin that our souls might be saved along with those of our loved ones and those who do not yet know Christ. Everyone can belong to this parish family at Saint John XXIII and we are glad you are here! As a parish, the majority of our energy and resources are directed at campus ministry, especially those young people at decisive crossroads in their lives. We invite all parishioners to participate in these efforts in some way, particularly through adoration of Jesus Christ, truly present in the Blessed Sacrament and in other spiritual and ministerial endeavors as well.”
What Makes St. John XXIII different?
St. John XXIII is unlike most parishes because we were created in 1969 to serve the needs of the staff, faculty and students of Colorado State University. We are a Parish without traditional boundaries which makes us a personal parish. A personal parish serves unique needs and often doesn’t provide the traditional parish experience that many people are used to. While we fulfill the needs of every member of our parish family differently, we remain focused on bringing the Gospel and sacrament to everyone we encounter.
We're on mission together!
If you choose to become a permanent parishioner of St. John XXIII, we consider you a crucial partner in our mission of reaching the campus of Colorado State University. We ask parishioners to think of the parish as their home and the students as important guests. As you would in your home, parishioners go out of their way to welcome and talk with students. To be there for students when they are celebrating an achievement or struggling through a difficult time. Our parishioners lead by example showing the students how to live as faithful Catholics in the world and in their families. Additionally, by providing gifts of time, talent and treasure our parishioners help to keep the doors open and the lights on. We look forward to partnering with you in this important mission and promise you will not regret it.
“If we wish to serve God and love our neighbor well, we must manifest our joy in the service we render to Him and them. Let us open wide our hearts. It is joy which invites us. Press forward and fear nothing.”
– St. Katharine Drexel
Register as a parishioner!
It is very important that every member of our Parish Family register because we are a personal parish without traditional boundaries. Registering with the Parish is the best way to become a part of our parish family and to remain connected to everything we offer. If you have not already done so please register with us today!
Upcoming Events
Parish Tithing
Your gift of time, talent, and treasure are crucial to the success of St. John XXIII. Please visit the Parish Tithing page for more information and giving options.