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Staff Application


Ram Catholic will host Ram Awakening each fall semester and our new Men’s and Women’s Retreat each Spring. Check back next fall for our next Ram Awakening Retreat!

Are you ready?

Billions of people wander around every day wondering “Is this all there is? Is this my entire life? Could there be something more?” Take a weekend to dive in and see for yourself. Explore possibilities you might have never considered, and try to find something more than just “this.”

What's included?

The retreater fee to attend Ram Awakening is $40. This covers: bed, showers, 6 meals, and an ENTIRE weekend of fun! And you’ll also have the t-shirt to prove it. Ram Awakening offers scholarships, so please contact the Coordinator ([email protected]) if you need financial assistance. Everyone deserves a chance to attend this retreat! We’ll be happy to help any way we can!

A few details

This retreat is specifically oriented towards College age students, and is designed for, run by, and oriented towards students at Colorado State University.

We do ask that you be present for the entire duration of the retreat, leaving the church with the group on Friday until we return as a group on Sunday.

What's included?

The retreater fee to attend Ram Awakening is $40. This covers: bed, showers, 6 meals, and an ENTIRE weekend of fun! And you’ll also have the t-shirt to prove it. Ram Awakening offers scholarships, so please contact the Coordinator ([email protected]) if you need financial assistance. Everyone deserves a chance to attend this retreat! We’ll be happy to help any way we can!

Ram Awakening 26 Application and Payment


Join us for Ram Awakening 26 in the beautiful Estes Park, CO on October 7-9, 2022 .

Ram Awakening is an encounter with Jesus Christ and His community in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. It is run by college aged students for college aged students. Our time is spent in community, fellowship, prayer, reflection, and encounter. College aged student leaders will give inspirational talks centered on the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Not sure what that is? We invite you to come discover Jesus fully alive in this community.

We will gather at Saint John XXIII on Friday, October 7 at 4:00pm for dinner. The retreat will begin after dinner and when all arrive at Annunciation Heights in Estes Park, CO. We will celebrate Mass on Sunday morning (fulfilling your Sunday obligation) and will be back in Fort Collins by 2:00pm - Just in time to watch the Super Bowl!

We are sorry but registration for this event is now closed.

Please contact us if you would like to know if spaces are still available.

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