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Reconciliation, or confession, is one of the sacraments of healing and God’s mercy. Reconciliation is open to any baptized Catholic who is seeking forgiveness and healing. We have daily confession times, and encourage everyone to make use of this amazing Sacrament. Have you been away from this sacrament for awhile and not sure what to do? Reach out to us here, and we are more than happy to help you receive God’s abundant mercy. Children are prepared to make their first reconciliation in the 2nd grade.


*See the Mass and Confession schedule on the home page for updates regarding school break cancellations

Monday: 8:30am

Tuesday: 8:30am and 4pm (*4pm cancelled during school breaks including over the summer)

Wednesday: 8:30am and 4pm

Thursday: 8:30am and 8pm (*8pm cancelled during school breaks including over the summer)

Friday: 8:30am

Saturday: 8:30am and 2:30-3:30pm

Make your First Confession

Make your First Confession

Monday-Friday: 8:00am and 4:00pm
Thursday: During 9:00pm Mass when a Priest is available
Saturday: 8:00am and 3:30pm
Sunday: During Mass when a Priest is available

Are you interested in making your first confession? Or has it been awhile since your last one? Just contact us and we can help you out!

[email protected]