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St. Michael, Defend Us in Battle

St. Michael, Defend us in Battle


The miracle

The story as renowned sculptor, herb mignery, tells it

The original casting of St. Michael was commissioned by St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Hastings, Nebraska. After spending a number of days composing and constructing the rough form of St. Michael driving the evil-doers from heaven, it occurred to me that it might be a bit active for church-goers. I then considered the idea of St. Michael standing benignly with his sword at his side.

The interiors of my sculptures are composed of styrofoam pieces glued together by expanding foam that is applied from a can much like shaving cream. This foam expands and hardens into a firm  material that can be carved into shapes and then clay applied to surface. These cans may be  used day after day and are usually placed near the sculpture each evening for use the next day. Occasionally, the can will seep a small amount of foam but usually no larger than a golf ball, if at all.

During my week of indecision, I arrived one morning to find a can which had been placed at the base of the sculpture had seeped an image approximately 12” by 12.” I was very surprised of course as I’ve used this foam for years and have never seen one empty itself in this fashion. The real surprise came, however, when I suddenly realized it was an eerie image of my sculpture of St. Michael in action.

The Miracle Foam

This St. Michael the Archangel statue is unlike any other. In his studio in 1999, renowned sculptor, Herb Mignery, encountered something miraculous. We have created a short video to capture what happened and to shed light on how this amazing sculpture was almost torn down, had it not been for something science or experts still cannot explain. We are now excited to be able to share this statue, and its miraculous story, with the rest of the world.

The Miracle Foam

This St. Michael the Archangel statue is unlike any other. In his studio in 1999, renowned sculptor, Herb Mignery, encountered something miraculous. We have created a short video to capture what happened and to shed light on how this amazing sculpture was almost torn down, had it not been for something science or experts still cannot explain. We are now excited to be able to share this statue, and its miraculous story, with the rest of the world.


The Opportunity

Saint John XXIII Church has obtained estimated pricing for the reproduction of the statue in different sizes with the objective of selling the statue to other churches, religious organizations, and individuals. All proceeds from sales of the statue will be channeled to the Saint John XXIII Undeniable Presence capital campaign. Saint John XXIII Church will establish a limited number of Saint Michael statues that will be sold in twelve-foot and four-foot sizes. These reproductions will be in bronze and will only be produced when ordered.

The Statue

Saint John XXIII Church will allow for unlimited reproduction and distribution of the Saint Michael statues in 20 inches and 10 inches. These reproductions will be in the mediums of bronze and resin and will only be produced when ordered. Saint John XXIII Church will become the exclusive marketing, ordering, and distribution point for Saint Michael the Archangel statues in all sizes.

The Statue

Saint John XXIII Church will allow for unlimited reproduction and distribution of the Saint Michael statues in 20 inches and 10 inches. These reproductions will be in the mediums of bronze and resin and will only be produced when ordered. Saint John XXIII Church will become the exclusive marketing, ordering, and distribution point for Saint Michael the Archangel statues in all sizes. 



In the world of bronze sculptures Herb Mignery is one of the world’s premier artists. Herb has communicated that the Saint Michael the Archangel statue he is creating for Saint John XXIII Church is the crown jewel of all his artwork and announced that the statue will be the last public memorial he will sculpt in his lifetime. Herb gifted the Saint John XXIII Church with the right of unlimited reproduction and distribution of the Saint Michael statue in any size or medium.


In the world of bronze sculptures Herb Mignery is one of the world’s premier artists. Herb has communicated that the Saint Michael the Archangel statue he is creating for Saint John XXIII Church is the crown jewel of all his artwork and announced that the statue will be the last public memorial he will sculpt in his lifetime. Herb gifted the Saint John XXIII Church with the right of unlimited reproduction and distribution of the Saint Michael statue in any size or medium.