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“Whether we realize it or not, prayer is the encounter of God’s thirst and ours”
— St. Augustine

Why Pray?

Prayer is the cornerstone of our relationship with Christ. It is crucial to growing and strengthening our interior lives which allows us to live out the Gospel each day. We must spend time in prayer to become closer to Christ, to listen to what he is calling us to do, and to discern every step of our journey to union with Him. Once we have spent time in prayer we are ready to go out and spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ to everyone we encounter.

Mass and Reconciliation

The Mass is the most perfect form of prayer. When we participate in the earthly liturgy we share in a foretaste of the heavenly liturgy. We invite you to discover this immense beauty of the Mass as it is celebrated at Saint John XXIII Catholic Church.

Reconciliation, or confession, is one of the sacraments of healing and God’s mercy. Reconciliation is open to any baptized Catholic who is seeking forgiveness and healing. We have daily confession times, and encourage everyone to make use of this amazing Sacrament.

Please view the mass and confession times HERE!

Eucharistic Adoration

”This is the wonderful truth, my dear friend: the word, which became flesh two thousand years ago is present today in the Eucharist.” Saint John Paul III

Eucharistic Adoration is a perfect way for you to pray and strengthen your relationship with Christ. We offer Adoration Monday-Friday from 8:30am-8pm. These hours will expand to 10pm Monday-Wednesday and overnight on Thursday and Friday during the school year. Expanded hours will occur once the schedule on filled with regular adorers. Please sign up for an hour with Jesus today!

Sign up today for a Holy Hour with Jesus

Pray the Rosary

“The Rosary is the most excellent form of prayer and the most efficacious means of attaining eternal life. It is the remedy for all our evils, the root of all our blessings. There is no more excellent way of praying.” -Pope Leo XIII

We encourage you to pray the rosary often. As a community Saint John XXIII prays the rosary together Monday- Friday at 7:30am 

Pro Life

“Nothing we do to defend the human person, no matter how small, is ever unfruitful or forgotten. Our actions touch other lives and move other hearts in ways we can never fully understand in this world. Don’t ever underestimate the beauty and power of the witness you give in your pro-life work.”
-Archbishop Charles Chaput

St John XXIII is a hub for the Northern Colorado prolife efforts and ministry. We are located in walking distance of Planned Parenthood for the many volunteers who pray daily for an end to abortion and we participate in the 40 Days for Life campaigns. Additionally, our students advocate for an end to abortion through the Student’s for Life campaigns.

If you would like to pray in front of Planned Parenthood, signs can be found in the closet across from our single restrooms just south of the front doors.

Learn more about 40 Days for Life campaigns below