You Belong
You Belong
Thank you for visiting our site. We hope you find what you’re looking for and do not hesitate to get in touch with any of our staff or team leaders to find out more information. Whether you’re a devout practicing Catholic or haven’t been to church in years (or ever), we want you to know there is a place for you here. We offer numerous ways to get more involved and the first step is to simply let us know how we can best serve you. Please fill out the form below so we can get in touch!
Saint John XXIII Catholic Church exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to help people encounter the love God has for them. We are here to foster an encounter with the Person of Jesus Christ as he is present in Catholic Church. We strive to live this out by providing college-aged students at Colorado State University and all people interested in serving campus ministry by providing opportunities to live a sacramental life, to foster prayer, to engage in authentic community, and to serve others in the way God has called us to serve. We look forward to walking with you towards Christ.
“Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential.Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.”
Are you a New Student ?
Ram Catholic Campus Ministry exists to help you discover community and lead you into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. If you have any questions about the sacraments, how to find a small group, are looking for resources for prayer, ways to connect, or opportunities for growth, connect with us. We look forward to walking toward Jesus with you.
Are you a New Parishioner?
A Place for Everyone
At St. John XXIII, we have a mission to bring the gospel and the Sacraments to college aged students at Colorado State University. This task does not simply belong to clergy and staff, but to every member of our parish family. While our primary mission is to serve college students, we also desire our parish family to grow in a relationship and become true disciples of Christ. Then, together, we can live out the gospel each day and work to fulfill our mission. Read more about different ways that you can get involved!
Are You a Post-college Young Professional?
We are a landing pad to the Graduate Student and Young Professional community in Fort Collins and love having them here. If you are interested in encountering an irresistible community rooted in Jesus Christ that builds lasting friendships and exudes the key traits of warmth, enthusiasm, and humility we would love to connect you.
Here are a few friends in the community to reach out to:
Eric Kossoris
Male Young Professional Bible Studies – Coordinator
[email protected]
Ale McGee
Female Young Professional Bible Studies – Coordinator
[email protected]
You can also keep up with recent events by liking our facebook page,
Not Catholic?
If you are interested in becoming Catholic also known as the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) please take a look at the following PDFs or reach out to us and we will get back with you soon.
Not Catholic?
If you are interested in becoming Catholic also known as the Rite of Christian Initiation (RCIA) please take a look at the following PDFs or reach out to us and we will get back with you soon.